Thank you for stopping by and joining me on this artists journey. 

I began painting in my early teens, I found that it allowed me to express myself in ways that nothing else could, so I did a lot of it.  I tried a wide variety of mediums, themes and styles trying to find what fit me best - Now I define myself primarily as an acrylic landscape painter, ...with lots of exceptions. 

Throughout my career as a professional firefighter, I painted.  Every year I entered art shows, art festivals, and various other venues to show my art.  I left the fire department in 2013 and   now paint full time - living the dream and making it up as I go.  The journey continues on today - doing my best to keep my art authentic to who I am and faithful to the high calling of being a painter. 

my story

Artist Statement


I want my paintings to be entertaining to look at as well as an expression of who I am as a person.  I see being an artist as more of a state of being than just a skill of making nice looking things.  I want people to feel a sense of connectedness with me as the artist both from the subject matter and from the energy I put into each brush stroke and the thoughts that go into them.  I try to keep my paintings relevant to who I am and paint places that are part of my life - the Pacific Northwest - My art is constantly changing, always evolving, always trying new things, never staying the same. 


Welcome to the art of Richard Jahn